The historical turning point of the world has come, a new type of struggle is about to begin, which is the heart of the "Third Water Jihad". There are indications that the center of the upcoming wars will be water, due to which we will have to face the truth of water.
Water is a vital part of our life. Without it, none of our existence would be possible. But in today's world, the increasing demand for water and the conflicts over the reserves have started a new war chest.
The third water jihad will start from our skies, where water is naturally obtained. The growing population, industrial development and agricultural needs in China, India, and other large countries have engaged these countries in the search for water.
This struggle will usher in a new era, where countries will strive to preserve their populations, maintain agricultural and industrial development, and expand reserves.
The third water jihad will force us to face the big question: "Can we achieve an honest sharing of water with each other?" or "Should we limit population to avoid war?"
In the coming decades, we will have to find common solutions to protect and preserve our native resources. We will need to be smart, responsible and co-operative in managing our native resources.
The third water jihad will force us to achieve a mutually beneficial division of struggle, and we will have to use our intellectual and practical abilities to find the best solution. We have to take care of our ancestral beauty so that the future generations can also see these beautiful scenes.